Land Transport

Air Transport

Sea Transport


Just in Time

Foundation of the Company.
Reopening of the borders and recovery of the traffic flow. BIANCHI & Co. SA specialized in the luxury Swiss watches traffic, fabrics, precious stones and noble metals.
Opening of the Milan office.
BIANCHI Chiasso is adapted to work with Italian-Swiss traffic of fabrics, machines and industrial products all over the world. Subsequently the import / export air and sea services were implemented at Zurich and Lugano-Agno airports and at Genoa and Rotterdam ports.
Opening of a small office in Ponte Chiasso, Italy, Bianchi & C. SRL.
Transfer of the headquarters of the Italian office to the TIR center in Montano Lucino (CO) from where the international truck traffic flow was started.
Enlargement of the Milan office which started the truck traffic flow, particularly to and from England. Later on the company will deal with express packages transport and sea / air shipments.
Bianchi Chiasso strengthens its structure in the transport of valuable goods opening BIANCHI Valenza SRL in Valenza Po (Alessandria), famous Italian jewel market square.
In order to increase safety, BIANCHI Chiasso founded ValBIANCHI SRL based in Montano Lucino (CO). This company by acquiring a fleet of armoured vehicles, offers the best safety guarantee for the transport of valuable goods.
BIANCHI & C. SRL in Montano Lucino (CO) implemented its activities and with the opening of BIANCHI EUROSERVICE, it bought a truck fleet and became an international carrier, which can guarantee an optimal service on the existing traffic lines.
Opening of the first warehouse of BIANCHI & C. SRL in Cernobbio (CO) used for logistic activities, which contributed to the present development of the company.
Enlargement of the logistic activity in the offices in Grandate (CO).
BIANCHI Chiasso opened a branch in Colombier (Neuchâtel) to meet the needs of loyal customers watch manufacturers and as a logistic platform in the western part of Switzerland.
BIANCHI & C. SRL opened a commercial office in Padua, first step towards a further enlargement in the North East.
Opening of the Bianchi Air-Sea-Freight Srl, specialized in the air and sea transport.
Opening of new offices of BIANCHI & C. SRL in Casnate (CO).
Opening of new offices in Bianchi & Co. Sa in Novazzano (Chiasso), 3.300 square metre warehouse and 2.000 square metre offices.
Opening of Bianchi Asia in Hong Kong and Shanghai, jointly with a Chinese company.
Enlargement of the offices in Casnate with new warehouses, which doubled the operational ability.
In partnership with a Chinese company, White opened Asia in Hong Kong and Shanghai.
Opening of the branch in Olten (Switzerland).
Opening of the new logistic warehouse in Montano Lucino with 15.000 pallet positions.
Introduction of the new JIT (Just in Time) service; an express service with secured fast deliveries to the main European destinations
Bianchi joins two of the most important international networks for air and sea transport: CLN and C5C.
Bianchi choose a software solution to automate the management process.
Specialization in e-commerce.
Opening of a new local branch in Veneto. A new focus for the Italian market.
Opening of a new local branches: Bianchi Modena & Bianchi Firenze.
Opening of a new logistics center in Grandate (CO).
Bianchi Modena moved to Carpi, in a new, more modern and functional location.
Opening of a new logistics center in Varese (VA).
Bianchi & C. awarded among the 10 best companies of the Province of Como.
Expansion of the logistics center in Varese (VA).
Bianchi Firenze moved to Prato, in a new, more modern and functional location.
During the pandemic and consequent lockdown: Opening of a new 21,000 sq m logistics center in Nerviano.
Inauguration of the new 8,000 sq m logistics center in Carpi.
With the recovery of the economy, after the Covid emergency, the annual turnover recorded an increase of over 25%.
The restructuring and reorganization phase of the Novazzano (CH) branch continues and closes the financial statements with very positive data.
The new Grandate logistics center is inaugurated: over 3,000 sq m of offices and warehouses in a strategic position at the Grandate toll booth on the Como/Milan motorway.
Modern trucks, neighbors and fast…
The service that connects the continents…
The many advantages of using the sea…
Neither before nor after, when you decide!
The dates of our special departures…